Global agreement has been reached that the world’s temperature increase must be limited to 2 degrees C to avoid major catastrophe.
To achieve this, global greenhouse gas emissions must be cut by around 80% by 2050. Yet our Government has failed to show leadership.
NZ’s Performance
- NZ’s emissions have increased by about 25% since 1990 (the date against which Kyoto committments are measured), and the government’s own forecasts say they will keep increasing until at least 2030.
- The Emissions Trading Scheme, NZ’s main step so far to control emissions, is almost completely ineffective. It’s supposed to discourage unnecessary emissions by imposing a cost, originally planned at $25/tonne of CO2. Currently, companies pay as little as 15 cents — unless they’re given emission units for free.
Should We Be Worried?
The current government’s position is that we contribute only 0.2% of global emissions. Well, if you contribute less than 0.2% of national tax revenue, should you bother paying tax?
Climate change will affect all of us — and on a per-capita basis, NZ has some of the highest emissions in the developed world.
A good start. More work tone done in explaining how we can reduce emissions without destroying oureconomy
Thanks for the flyer in the mailbox. However, consideration needs to be given to the enormous impact factoring farming has on climate change. These polluters need also pay. Animal farming contributes more to climate change and climate damage than does industry or vehicles, this information is widely available and should be incorporated into your approach.
I am part of a group in North Shore that is keen to do something about Climate Change
We do not want to reinvent the wheel, you have done a lot of thinking and organising and we want to help
Your black flier and website is very well thought out but doesn’t seem to allow us to contact you
We have many ideas about activism but would like to co ordinate with you
Can you please respond
Hi Roy
Did you get a reply?. What is your group and what are you doing? Just reading Naomi Klein’s new book which as usual is brilliant.
I am concerned that this new Party is going nowhere.
Climate Change is the greatest issue facing us. We have to get organized and aim to get some parliamentary representation.
A single issue party (ie Climate Change or perhaps an ENVIROMENTAL PARTY) could have a significant impact on government policy under the MMP system.
If you are keen to kick staart this stalled Climate Party, please email me and we can consider our options.
The next election is November 2017.
John Hyndman
Hi All,
But how does one join your party.
Are there any events or meetings.
Happy for you to email me.
Kind Regards
I have become very passionate about climate change and the devastating effects that will come from it if nothing is done. How do we get involved….